Development of a Smart Mobile Farming Service System
Zheng, L., Li, M., Wu, C., Ye, H., Ji R., Deng X., Che Y., Fu, C., and Guo, W. (2011). Development of a Smart Mobile Farming Service System. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 54 (3), 1194-1203.
Zheng, L., Li, M., Wu, C., Ye, H., Ji R., Deng X., Che Y., Fu, C., and Guo, W. (2011). Development of a Smart Mobile Farming Service System. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 54 (3), 1194-1203.
Mishra, S., Welch, T., Torrens, P., Fu, C., Zhu, H., and Knaap, E. (2015). A tool for measuring and visualizing connectivity of transit stop, route and transfer center in a multimodal transportation network. Public Transport. 7(1). 77-99.
Hong, L., Fu, C., Wu, J., and Frias-Martinez, V. (2018). Insights from Online Communications for Local Government Managing Disaster Relief: the Case of Snowstorms. Information Systems Frontiers. 30(4). 387-396.
Fu, C.*, McKenzie, G., Frias-Martinez, V., and Stewart, K. (2018). Identifying Spatiotemporal Urban Activities through Linguistic Signatures. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems. 72. 25-37.
Fan, J.C., Fu, C., Stewart, K., and Zhang, L. (2019). Using Big GPS Trajectory Data Analytics for Vehicle Miles Traveled Estimation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 103. 298-307.
Nasri, A., Zhang, L., Fan, J.C., Stewart, K., Younes, H., Fu, C., and Jessberger S. (2019). Advanced Vehicle Miles Traveled Estimation Methods for Non-federal Aid System Roadways using GPS Vehicle Trajectory Data and Statistical Power Analysis. Transportation Research Record. 2673(11). 296-308.
Fu, C.*, Song, X.P., and Stewart, K. (2019). Integrating Activity-Based Geographic Information and Long-Term Remote Sensing to Characterize Urban Land Use Change. Remote Sensing. 11(24), 2965.
Fu, C.*, Huang, H.S., and Weibel, R. (2020). Adaptive Simplification of GPS Trajectories with Geographic Context. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 1-28.
Chen, D., Fu, C., Hall, J., Hoy, E., and Loboda, T. (2021). Spatio-temporal Patterns of Optimal Landsat Data for Burn Severity Index Calculations: Implications for High Northern Latitudes Wildfire Research. Remote Sensing of Environment. 258, 112393.
Zhou, Z.Y., Weibel, R., Fu, C., Winter, S., and Huang, H.S. (2021) Indoor landmark selection for route communication: the influence of route-givers’ social roles and receivers’ familiarity with the environment. Spatial Cognition & Computation.
Bruehwiler, L., Fu, C.*, Huang, H.S., Longi, L., & Weibel, R. (2022) Modeling Individuals’ Car Accident Risk by Trajectory, Driving Events, and Geographical Context. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems.
Giannouli, E., Kim, E.K., Fu, C., Weibel, R., Sofios, A., Infanger, D., Protegijs, E., Rantanen, T., Huang, H.S., Schmidt-Trucksäss, A., Zeller, A., & Hinrichs, T. (2022). Psychometric Properties of the MOBITEC-GP Mobile Application for Real-Life Mobility Assessment in Older Adults. Geriatric Nursing. 48. 273-279.
Zhao, F., Dai, Z.X., Zhang, W.Y., Shan, Y.T., Fu, C.* (2023). Epidemiological-Survey-based Multidimensional Modeling for Understanding Daily Mobility during the COVID-19 Pandemic Across Urban-Rural Gradient in the Chinese Mainland. Geo-spatial Information Science.
He, J., Fu, C., Li, X., Dong J. X. & Ren. F. (2023). What Do We Know about the Multidimensional Poverty in China: Its Causes, Dynamics, and Implications for Sustainability. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information.
Conrow, L., Fu, C.*, Huang, H.S., Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., & Weibel. R. (2023). A Conceptual Framework for Developing Dashboard for Big Mobility Data. Cartography and Geographic Information Science.
Zhou, Z.Y., Fu, C., & Weibel, R. (2023) Remove and Move: Multi-Task Learning for Building Simplification of Vector Maps with Graph Convolutional Neural Network. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Neun, M., Eichenberger, C., Xin, Y.N., Fu, C., Wiedemann, N., Martin, H., Tomko, M. Ambuehl, L., Hermes, L., & Kopp, M. (2023). Metropolitan Segment Traffic Speeds from Massive Floating Car Data in 10 Cities. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
He, J., Ren, F., Weibel, R., & Fu, C.* (2023). The effect of large scale photovoltaic-based projects on poverty reduction: Empirical evidence from China. Renewable Energy, 119294.
Fu, C., Zhou, Z.Y., Feng, Y., & Weibel, R. (2023). Keeping Walls Straight: Data Model and Training Set Size Matter for Deep Learning in Building Generalization.
Fu, C., Zhou, Z.Y., Xin, Y.N., & Weibel, R. (2024). Reasoning cartographic knowledge in deep learning-based map generalization with explainable AI.
Chen, D., Fu, C., Jenkins, L.K., He, J.Y., Wang, Z.H., Jandt, R.R., Frost, G.V., Bredder, A., Berner, L.T., & Loboda, T.V. (2024). Regional fire–greening positive feedback loops in Alaskan Arctic tundra.
Zhou, Z.Y., Fu, C.*, & Weibel, R. (2024). SpaGAN: A spatially-aware generative adversarial network for building generalization in image maps.
Talk at Maryland Emergency Management Association Conference 2014, Atlantic City, MD, USA
Talk at HERE Inc., Online
Talk at State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, Online
Talk at Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Summit on Mobility Data Science, Online
Talk at Dagstuhl Seminar 22162, Dagstuhl, Germany
Talk at the 4th Youth Forum by the Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, Peking University, Beijing, China